Wednesday, November 19, 2008

OT Exam

There is only 10 hrs left till l I have to sit for my OT exam. To be honest, I am feeling VERY under prepared for it and have great doubt passing the exam. I haven't performed well all semester. A lot of things have distracted me from my study. I really can't blame anyone but myself for not studying hard.

Although I am feeling very unsure about the exam tomorrow, I have enjoyed the process of studying for it though. Just as I was preparing for the 8th century prophets topic then, I had the opportunity to read through Amos, a book which I have never familiarised myself with. In the past, I have avoided reading the books of the prophets as much as possible, as I don't really understand the oracles and visions presented in them. But now, I am able to understand these books a lot better and I actually found reading these books rather enjoyable. I have never thought I'd enjoy the book of Amos as much as I just did!

Although I don't know if I will pass the exam tomorrow or not, I guess I should be happy that I have actually learn something and that I am enjoying learning more about God's word and understanding it better. I guess I just have to keep on reminding myself how lucky I am to be able to study at college.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Psalm 63

A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.
1 O God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.

2 I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.

3 Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.

4 I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.

5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

6 On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.

7 Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.

8 My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

9 They who seek my life will be destroyed;
they will go down to the depths of the earth.

10 They will be given over to the sword
and become food for jackals.

11 But the king will rejoice in God;
all who swear by God's name will praise him,
while the mouths of liars will be silenced.

May my lips never cease to glorify you, and that I will praise you as long as I live.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

禱告 I Pray

This is surely my favourite song from SOP. The lyrics in this song is a GREAT reminder of God's love for me, He knows me best, and his grace is sufficient for me.


Meeting you, knowing you, and dating you have been a miracle. I remember our relationship started by you asking what miracles I was praying for. I hope this miracle would last, but would it? I don't want it to end... I really don't...

Monday, July 21, 2008


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Last day of semester break...

Tomorrow is the last day of my semester break. Am I ready for going back to college? I am not too sure. On the one hand, I am looking forward to Monday and seeing my friends and catching up with them again; on the other hand I know this coming semester is gonna be a really hectic one. Mondays and Tuesdays are gonna be a killer, as I have classes from 9am in the morning till 9:30pm at night. I will have a few hours break during the day, but it is still gonna be extremely tiring! Having lectures on Monday night means that I won't be able to attend Taiwan prayer group this semester. I am gonna miss the group for sure!

The 3 weeks of holiday have flown by quickly. A lot of things happened in this holiday. I have enjoyed spending more time with Pete. I had time to go to watch him play soccer, spent time with his family and spent time with him. :P I guess I probably won't have the luxury to spend so much time with him once college resumes, so was trying to make the most of the time I have while I am on holiday. I will have to figure out what I should manage my time when he comes back from his trip.

I had time to catch up with friends and old workmates whom I haven't seen for along time during this holiday as well. It was great to have the opportunity to go up to the Central Coast to visit Ella and her family. I also hung out with Kel quite a bit this holiday. It is very excited seeing how happy she is with her engagement, and how busy she is getting in preparing her wedding.

In this holiday, I have also made a decision to join the Grace Fellowship. I wasn't able to attend Grace Fellowship last semester, as I finished work late on Friday. (My part-time job at the orthodontist). This semester, I have decided not to work on Friday afternoon, so that I can make it to Grace Fellowship. So far I have been enjoying the studies we are doing.

I guess I am happy that I am going back to college on Monday, although I am not sure how ready I am. I guess I will be kept busy with college work, and won't be thinking too much of Pete while he is away. With the heavy college workload, hopefully the 4 weeks would fly by quicker than would otherwise.

A post 4 you...

Hope you will have a blessed and safe trip. Praying that the Holy Spirit guide you and help you in being a blessing to all those people you will meet along the trip. Also praying that God will bless you and keep you, and that you will have a even closer relationship with Him. Have a good one. Gonna miss you! See you in a mth's time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Family is a funny thing. In the Chinese culture, we consider not only our immediate family, but also the extended family as part of "family". In my maternal family, all the cousins are quite close to each other. Vi and I are close to Andrew, Hubert, and Philip, because we spent a lot of time with them during our childhood year, that is before I came to Sydney. Now that all them are married with kids, we get along really well with their wives and kids as well. Although they all live in HK now, I see them often enough to be able to maintain a good relationship with them. It is always fun going back to visit them. I really enjoy spending time with them.

Then there are cousins like Phi, Felicia, Steph, Ems, and Jono whom I don't get to see very often as they live in other parts of the world. Although we don't see each other often, we are still relatively close to each other, and do try to keep in touch from time to time. I remember playing with Ems and Jono a lot when they were toddlers. It was always fun playing with them especially during Mid Autumn Festival when the family get together to celebrate. Felicia and Steph I don't get to see often, as they are in Canada, but I get along well with Steph last time we are in town. I guess we just click as we are part of the extended family. Felicia... I don't really know well, but ever since Felicia was little, people have commented on how much we look alike. I haven't seen Felicia for a long time, so it is hard to tell if this is true or not these days.

Then, there are the cousins who live here in Sydney - Enrico, Michelle, Lyndon & Kath, Roland & Gazal, Fi and Giles. Although I don't get to see them as much as I would like, we get along well when we meet up. We spent a lot of time together during our high school years living in the same neighbourhood and whenever we went over to visit grandpa. We used to live one street away from Enrico and Michelle, so we used to do a lot of things together on the weekends, like fishing in Bobbin Head, going to lunch with the clan after church on Sunday, looking after them after school when auntie and uncle were busy with work. Those were fun days. Although all of us have grown up and moved on with life, something never change..... we are part of the family and we will remain part of the family for the rest of our lives. I am thankful that many of the cousins know the Lord and are serving faithfully at church. I pray that the day will come when all the cousins have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus.

2 years anniversary of my STM trip to Taiwan

It is hard to believe it has been 2 yrs since my STM in Taiwan. The memories of the trip are still quite fresh in my mind. My life has changed quite dramatically since coming back from the trip. I have quitted my job, and have started studying full time at SMBC. I have changed from attending the Cantonese congregation at CBC to the 11am English congregation. I have changed my ministry focus to kids ministry and have since taken on more responsibilities and been given lots of opportunities to develop and grow at church. I have been given a lot of support from my church and the pastoral team in responding to God's calling. All these things have happened without my own anticipation. God is great! From a girl who was so messed up in life, he changed me to whom I am today. Through Him, I am dead to my old self and have been made a new person. I can't imagine how life would have been if He wouldn't have given up on me. I am most thankful that despite my rebellion, He waited patiently for me to go back to Him.

Lord God, why are you so gracious to me? Thank you for your love and thank you for your grace and salvation. Please help me and guide me as I prepare myself for your service.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Completion of my first semester @ SMBC

I went to college last night to check my results and by the grace of the Lord, I passed all my exams. My first semester at SMBC has officially completed. Looking back at the last 4 mths, it amazes me the way God guided me and led me through. Last semester was a bit of a struggle for me.When I first started college, I had issues with my identity as a student, and was feeling a little insecure. After I came back from college mission, I struggled with my assignments and was doubtful as to whether I am really suited for college. 2 weeks before I had my final exams, I fell sick and was put on antibiotics. With all that happened, I came to a conclusion that completing my first semester was purely by His grace alone. It wouldn't have been possible without him interfering. I am not a good student, and definitely not smart! But God has chosen me and have given me this opportunity to attend college to study His word and get to know Him more. Sometimes I wonder why He is so good to me in giving me all these???? I pray and hope that I will learn more about Him in these 3 yrs that I will be at college and will develop into a faithful messenger for His kingdom.

Lord, thank you for being so great and gracious to me. You are truly wonderful. Please help me in knowing you more and loving you more...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

In Christ alone my hope is found...

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

I will stand, I will stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground (x2)
Is sinking sand (x2)

So I'll stand!

God will make a way...

God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.

By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today.

God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way

Father Lord, you love and look after your people. Thank you for helping me and guiding me through my first semester at college. It was all by your grace that I got through. Father Lord, things would not have been possible without You. Father Lord, I thank you for all the things that have happened in my life for the last little while. Lord, please help me in trusting in You wholeheartedly and in You alone. Father Lord, please help me in remembering your word and promises when I am weak and lacking wisdom. Father Lord, please help me in trusting in your guidance and provision...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mournful Prayer

This is a song written by one of my sisters in Christ in response to the Sichuan 512 earthquake. Let's us continue to pray and do whatever we can to help out the families who are affected.

Pray for China

I read this rather disturbing article on Christian Today this morning reporting on the China government funding a campaign to crackdown on unregistered Christians and house churches throughout China. Increased incidents of Christian persecution in 2007 compared to 2006 in China as it prepares for the Olympics were also reported.

Please pray together for the brothers and sisters in China as they live under the uncertainty of possible persecution. May the Lord strengthen their faith and grant them hope, joy, and peace in knowing that He is sovereign and in control of all things, and is keeping watch over all of His people, people He loves. Please pray also for the Chinese government and for the Chinese people that they would one day come to know the King and Lord of the all the earth, the one who rules and is in control.

Photo taken in Guangzhou in 2006


Thank you for those of you who have been supporting me and praying for me constantly. I am most grateful for all your prayers and support. They mean a lot to me. Thank you! Love you all! xo

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My first ever Children's Talk...

I did my first ever Children's Talk for church on Sunday. It went well. I am sooooooooooooooo encouraged by the whole experience. From preparing the talk to delivering it on Sunday, I know that God has guided me and led me all the way. The Holy Spirit was there helping me throughout, giving me the wisdom from Him to know what to do, how I should prepare it, and also giving me the peace and joy and preparing and delivering it. I have to say, I really enjoyed the process. God is so GREAT. He knew exactly what I needed at the time. I was feeling so downcast and discouraged with how I am going at college a little while back, but through my ministry He encouraged me and made me refocused as to the reason I am at college. Although I might not be doing well at college academically, that is no doubt that what I am learning at college is making an impact on my ministry and blessing by being bolder in spreading His good news and sharing His Word. Having worked in the children ministry at church for the last 2 yrs or so, I realised that I am starting to love the kids at church more and more. They are very special and unique. Although I have rough times with them occasionally, I am thankful that those times haven't discouraged me from wanting to continue to work among them. Being able to relate to the kids and help them in knowing more about God and developing a relationship with Him is such a wonderful blessing.

Father Lord, thank you for being such an amazing God. Thank you for looking after me and giving me help and encouragement as I needed them. Father, thank you for guiding me and helping me with the Children's Talk. Father, I pray that you will continue to mould me and shape me, refine me into a fine vessel pleasing in your eyes. Bless the kids at church Lord and may your Holy Spirit teach them and guide them into knowing you and in developing a personal relationship with you.

Thank you Lord. Amen!

This is Christine, one of my kids at church.

Friday, June 06, 2008

My NT assignment.

I went to college tonight to pick up the book which Jen bought for me. When I got to my pigeon hole, I was surprised to find my NT assignment cover sheet in my pigeon hole as well. AM has marked my assignment and have given me comments on it. I didn't think I did that well on my assignment, and the fact that it was very overdue, I didn't expect to get much mark on it. However, AM gave me a pass on my assignment! I am so thankful for that! God has really helped me in finishing my assignment. I have struggled with it for a long time, and it is only by His grace that I managed to finished it and didn't give up. I struggle with writing essays a lot.... don't know why, but I just don't like writing essays. =P I am feeling much better knowing that I have got a pass for my assignment. At least, I can hope for getting a pass in my exams and passing this subject now.

Thank you God for helping me in getting this essay done, although it has taken me a long time in completing it. I pray that you will give me strength, wisdom in learning all I need to learn for my exam. Please bless me with good health and concentration for the next little while. I commit my studies into your hand Lord, and pray that you will guide me and lead me into passing all my subjects this semester. Amen.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008




This song has been ringing in my head tonight. I guess this song is what I need and a good reminder for me as I work through the things I am struggling with at the moment.

Thank you God for being my shelter and my refuge.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Going through rough patches...

Things aren't going too well in life at the moment. I am not doing well at college, in fact, I am really struggling with it. At church, I am not doing so well with the kids ministry either. I thought I was improving, but last Sunday's Kidzxtra program just turned out to be a total disaster. On top of all these, I am having difficulty relating to my parents and living with them. I had a really stressful day today. I had a major argument with my parents and felt that need to move out. I am seriously considering moving into college next year. There are a few logistical issues which I will have to sort out if I am doing so, and I will have to find ways of funding that as well. I guess I will have to pray about it and see how God leads. I felt really negative today after the argument with my parents. I have lost sight of the joy and hope and peace which is in Him. I was too overwhelmed by the pressure and the issues I have in life. I can't remember how long I cried, I can only remember tears rolling down my face uncontrollably all afternoon. Even though I felt really bad this afternoon and have lost sight of the hope and joy in Him, God was with me. I know that He is with me always, and He knows how I feel. While I was crying in front of my laptop, He sent angels to encourage me through IM and emails. I received words of encouragement from His children, and I know that brothers and sisters have been praying for me. I know that I am not alone on this journey, and I am thankful and glad that He has put people in my life to support me, to encouragement me, and to walk with me in my spiritual journey. Thank you Lord.

I am sorry that I have been losing focus on Your greatness and Your sovereignty, Your faithfulness and Your promises. God, please help me to look upon You and not be focused on myself or the issues in life. Help me to put all my trust in You and rely on You Lord. Please help me into surrendering my all to you. Father, please help me and lead me to get through the rough patches in life. It is only by your grace that I can get through these and be back on my feet again. Father Lord, I trust that You have lead me on this journey and have brought me to where I am. Please help me in pressing on and continue to walk on this journey.I know that it is not gonna be easy, but I trust that you are there with me and will hold my hand and lead me through. Father, please grant me the desire to know Your Word more. Thank you Father. Although I am weak, I know that You are there with me. Thank you for being patience with me and loving me the way I am.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have been praying for me and encouraging me... thank you Jay, Pete, Pastor Tse, Sam, Jan, Elaine, and Philip for all your support and prayers. I really appreciate it. I thank God for having you all in as friends. May the Lord continue to bless our friendship and teach me to relate to you all and support you in prayers as well.

Although things might look a bit stormy at the moment, I trust that God is leading me through, and soon I can see the sun shinning through again...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sichuan Earthquake pictures 四川地震

I finally have the opportunity this morning to watch some of the news about the recent earthquake in Sichuan and see some of the photos from it. When I was watching the news footage, tears started rolling down my face. I was especially sadden when they was showing the footage of parents waiting for news of their child at the school. For many of the parents there, losing their children is like losing their hope in life. Under China's one child policy, most of the children who died in the recent earthquake are the only child and hope of the family. Losing them is like losing everything the family has got. I am sadden to see so many people died in the earthquake. It reminded me of the fragility of life. Thousands of people died in the earthquake, many of them died without knowing God or knowing where they are heading to...... perhaps they didn't even have a chance to hear the gospel before their lives ended..... the thought of this really sadden me.
Father Lord, I pray for the people in Sichuan, all the families who are affected by the recent earthquake. I pray that you healing hands will be upon them. May your Holy Sipirt raise up more people to willing to get involved with the helping out with aftermath of the earth quake. May your love and compassion be shown through your people, who are involved. Father, may your grace and mercy be upon China and the people there....May they know you as their Lord and saviour and find peace and hope in you. I pray for my all those who are undertaking training at SMBC and other colleges, Father, I pray that you will help us in seeing the needs of people around the world and be challenged constantly into taking your words, your story out to those who are yet to know you Lord. In Jesus' precious name.Amen.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where does my help comes from?

Psalm 121

A song of ascents.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—

he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

I haven't been feeling well lately. Physically, I am not feeling well, as I am been having some gastro problems... emotionally, I am feeling a bit downcast and exhausted. I know why I am feeling this way, I guess it is because I have realised I am not doing well at college, and I am struggling. I feel helpless, lost, and don't know what to do. I enjoy what I am learning at college, but then I am struggling with my essay and assignments. Why?Am I really understanding the things taught, or am I merely sitting through classes without truly understanding what hav e been covered? As I ponder through some of the questions/ doubts in my mind, this Psalm came to my mind."... Where does my help comes from?My help comes from the Lord - the Maker of heaven and earth." Such comforting words from the scripture! I know I should learn to rely on Him more, but at the same time put in my best effort at college.At times, I find it so hard to put in my best effort.....I still haven't figured out why it is so hard for me to work hard. Is it purely because I am lazy,or is it because of some other hidden issues which I am unconscious of?

Dear Lord/ Father, I know I am not alone on this journey as you are with me on each and every step of it. Father, as I am struggling with my studies at the moment, I pray that your holy spirit will guide me and help me. Open my eyes to read your words, and please grant me the wisdom from you that I can have better understanding of your words.Father Lord, thank you for being my help, my shelter, my strength, my shield. Father, please help me and guide me... it is only by your grace and power that I can get through college. Please teach me and help me to trust and rely on you and not on my own ability. Amen.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

You are worthy of our praises, Lord...

Heavenly Father, you do things in amazing ways, beyond our imagination. Father Lord, thank you for all that you have provided to me thus far. Thank you for your love...... Father, please help me and guide me into loving you whole heartedly.... and please shape me and mould me into a faithful and effective servant for your kingdom.

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Father, you are so great and amazing!

You gave me a great trip to Brisbane...
You gave me the opportunity to share the gospel with others...
You gave me the opportunity to go to college and learn...
You provided me with all my needs according to Your will, even before I ask...
You made things happened in your own timing...
You provided me with nice family...
You gave me a bunch of nice friends to support me, encourage me, and grow with me...
Most importantly, you love me just the way I am, nothing more, nothing less... and you gave your son to died on the cross for me...
Father, who am I to have deserved all these wonderful things which you have provided?
Father, you keep amazing me with your greatness, your sovereignty, and your compassion...
What can I do in response to your love?
Father, please change me, shape me, and mould me.... help me to live a life for you and you alone!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Patiently waiting...

My family is now patiently waiting for the arrival of Vida & Bill's baby, my little nephew. It is still 3 months away till the baby is due, but everyone has been anticipating his arrival. Lately, we have been thinking about names, both Chinese and English, and of all the little clothes and things which we will buy him.

Father, I am thankful for your answering of my prayers of giving me an opportunity to be an aunt. Father, thank you for giving Vida & Bill to be parents. Papa, I pray that you will bless and keep my unborn nephew. Help him in developing into a healthy baby in his mother's womb. Father, I pray that you will keep watch over Vida and grant her a smooth pregnancy. I pray also for the many new challenges which Bill & Vida will have to face in having a little one in their family. Father, we trust that you are a sovereign God and everything is in your control. Father, I pray for your provision in meeting their needs. Help Bill & Vida in developing into a godly parents, and know how to bring up the child in a godly way. Father, I pray also for my unborn nephew that he will be brought up in a Christian home and will come to know you as his Lord and Saviour. Father, I also pray that you will teach me to be a loving auntie, a supporting sister and help out in guiding my little nephew into knowing you. Father, I sincerely commit Vida, Bill & my unborn nephew into your hand, Father please bless them, guide them and help them according to Your will. Lord, thank you for being an AWESOME God to us.

Father, I also want to thank you for the love and care which I have received from Bill & Vida over the years. Father, thank you for helping us overcome the conflict which we had in our past and help us in developing into brothers and sisters with stronger bond. Father, I thank you for the love, encouragement, and support which I have received from them. Father, please bless our relationship and pray that we will continue to encourage one another in our walk with you. Father Lord, thank you for everything!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Nice day out at the zoo

Spent last Saturday at Taronga Zoo with girls from my cell group. It was my 2nd visit to the zoo in 3 mths. I was there in January this year with Andrew, Eunice, & Alvin. I didn't get to see any shows last time, and managed to go and see some this time. It was a great day out. I travelled on public transport the whole day. It was actually quite enjoyable!

The following slide show is of the photos which Wing took on the day. There are surely some great shots there. ^^

Taronga Zoo- Cell Outing 29.03.08

Monday, March 17, 2008



Friday, February 22, 2008

Life is like a box of chocolate...

'My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."' - Forrest Gump

I somehow feel that life as a Christian is a bit like a box of chocolate as well. You never know what you are going to get and what will happen to you next. Life can be very interesting as I wait for the chapters my life to unfold. God listens to our prayers, and answer those prayers in His own timing and in His own special way. Sometimes, the least expected happen in life... there are times when God gives me wonderful surprises, and there are times when what he gave me or planned for me was not be what we have expected. No matter how the chapters of life unfold, I guess the beauty of it is in knowing that God is in control of all things and what He has planned is best for me.

Father Lord, thank you for being so wonderful to me. Thank you for answering my prayers and working miraculously according to your own timing. Please help me in trusting in you day by day and be reminded of your promises and have faith in trusting that your grace is sufficient for me.

Thank you Lord.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

10 seconds for Taiwan - Feb 2008

Please take the next 10 seconds to pray this prayer for the working class people of Taiwan.

Current research by a professor at Taiwan's Tong Hai University found that 60% of Taiwanese non-Christians would not consider conversion to Christianity because the church forbids ancestor worship.

Father, we pray that the Taiwanese working class people will be redeemed and released from the spiritual practices handed down to them by their forefathers and would know the precious salvation offered by Christ Jesus. (I Peter 1:18)

Please ask your church, bible study, small group, cell group, family and children to pray this with us and you will be joining thousands of people around the world in asking our Father to bring His good news to the working class people of Taiwan.

Please relay this to those who can join us in prayer. For more information please visit or e-mail

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mark exegesis class...

The class I had this morning was really enjoyable. I have never studied the book of Mark in such detail before. The Word of God is really amazing when you study it word by word.... there are so many things about Him that are revealed through his Word! I guess one of the great things about being a college is that I get to study the Bible in such details. I find that my discussions with fellow students and lecturers are very stimulating and gives me insights into the book. I hope that my excitement about learning and my eagerness to better understand the Word will not cease.....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blogging and keeping in touch with the rest of the world!

I have finally work out how I can post my blog as note on Facebook, so from now whatever I have written here should appear as note on my FB profile.

It has only been a week since college started, but I already feel as if I am losing touch with friends due to the busyness in life. It is only the start of the semester! I am assuming that as life get even busier, I won't have too much time to reply emails and chat with friends on MSN. I am hoping that by blogging, my friends will be able to keep up to date with my whereabouts and how I am going. Hopefully, I can manage to blog at least once a week and write something that you will find interesting. =)