Things happened in the past few months have led me into wanting to search for the true meaning of friendship. Coincidentally, I read the follow passage on a friend's blog:
Many of us choose friends loosely, like magnets, cling on to anything that comes to us. But friends actually shapes us, molds us, and sometimes, are mirrors of who we are. One can easily know what kind of a person they are simply by looking around and see who their friends are. If they are gossipers, so are you… if they are worldly, then so might you be as well. As strong of a character you might be, friends have great influences on one another. On political views, religious views, and where you like to eat. Choose each friend as life time friends, not only can you have fun with them, but as people you can learn from, people you want to disciple, and people you want to be brothers or sisters with…
I very much agree with what this friend wrote. I think we are shape by friends around us. I believe that life influences life, either in a good way and a bad way. The people we hangs out with are really like a mirror, reflecting who we are. So, what kind of friends do you hang out with?