Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is it!

After weeks of study and waiting. The day has finally arrived for me to sit for my Church History exam. Tonight, I will sit for my last exam for the year. After this, I will have 2.5 mths off from college, where I will prepare myself for my full time study there! I guess finishing exam tonight marks a new chapter in my life. For the next few years, I will be a full time student and if God's is willing, I will be heading out to the mission field in a few years time. I surely have a very exciting and challenging journey ahead of me, but I trust whole heartedly that God is with me through this interesting journey.

I really don't feel 100% confident with my preparation for the exam, but I do pray that God will grant me the wisdom, strength, ease of mind, energy and concentration in preforming how I should be in the exam tonight. I know that it is not by my own ability at all that I might pass this exam, it is all by His grace and guidance.

Lord, I commit myself and my exam in your hand, please guide and help me through it. Amen.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


I have been spending a fair amount of time at the college library this week, trying to study and prepare for my exam. I figured that if I stay at home, I will end up napping all the time, so it is better for me to study in the library. I have to say, I am starting to bond with college, and I really like the environment here. It is so quiet in the library. People at college are really nice and it is nice to see so many of us trying hard to study God's word and working towards being a full time servant of the Lord. =o)
I do hope that I will continue to love this college and the people I get to meet here.


Many things have happened since I last posted something here. Here are a summary of the many things that happened:

  1. I have finally got my act together into completing and submitting my application for full time college next year. My interview is scheduled on 9/11 @ 2:30pm. It is hard to believe that my full time college life is happening soon!
  2. I have resigned from work. It is a rather stressful and sad moment, as I have been with the company for over 5 yrs now. What will life with SP be like? I am surely gonna miss my friends at work. Hope and pray that I will know how to maintain a friendship with them when I am at college
  3. Chow is no longer in SYD. She flew out Singapore yesterday for OC and will be in TW for mission for a year. I am surely gonna miss her.
  4. Kelly found her love - My very good friend @ work, Kelly, has found her new love. I am sooooooooooooo happy for her, and hope that things will work out well for her and Andrew. =)
  5. NZ Trip confirmed - we have booked everything for our family trip in Jan. It has been a while since our last family trip. I guess it will be a good chance for me to spend some time with family before I head off to college. I don't know how much time and money I will have to go on a trip with them in the next 3 yrs. =P
All in all, the last little while has been fun and challenging....... there were some down moments, but I am very thankful that God has guided me through the different steps I have to make. I am sure there are gonna be more exciting challenges ahead of me. ^^

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My lucky day.

I got 2 tickets from work to watch Miss Saigon tonight. One of our agency, Priceton, invited ppl from work to a cocktail function and the show, but 2 of my colleagues who were invited couldn't go. I was lucky to be the first one to put my hand up to say I am interested in going, so I ended up getting the 2 free tickets. Initially, I was thinking of taking Vida with me, but she couldn't make it, so I ended up taking Kelly instead.
I have actually seen Miss Saigon before. That was many years ago, with the original production. The new production is very different to the one I saw. I enjoyed both of them.
Haha, I am such a musicale goer. I think I have lost count of how many musicals I have seen! I am going to watch Fiddler on the Roof tomorrow, and am wanting to see Billy Elliot later in the year as well. Gonna be interesting. ^^

Monday, October 08, 2007

I did it!!!

After conquering for 2 nights, I finally managed to set up my new wireless router. I did it all on my own this time, so I am proud of myself! ^^ In the past, I have always relied on Gwai to solve my IT problems. These days, he doesn't really have that much time to help me out, since he is so busy at home with Ange, ministries at church, work, with his driving lessons, etc etc. I guess I just can't rely on others all the time, so I wanted to try work it out myself.
I had problems last night when I was trying to installed the new router. For some strange reason, the installation wizard that came with the router didn't work for me. I couldn't figure out what went wrong. I wanted to call technical support for some help, but it wasn't available last night. I gave up and thought I'd better try installing it again when I can call in for some technical support.
I guess I was desperate in resolving my internet connection problems, so I tried setting the router up again tonight. I knew that the problem I had was with the installation wizard, so I was trying to look for ways to get around it and set up the router using the http:// address instead. I eventually found it and managed to set up the router. The net connection was all fine using LAN connection, but when I unplugged the LAN line, the connection dropped out. I started googling for possible solutions to the problem, and eventually found something that is helpful. I followed the suggestions steps and eventually managed to set up the wireless as well. ^^ Now, there is full coverage all through the apartment. I can get onto the net from the living room as well! :)
I am so happy that I have learnt something new. I am sure this new skills will come in handy in the future, especially if I end up heading out to the field.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

7Oct07 - Sunday

I woke up an hour late today!!!!!! My alarm didn't ring at all. I was supposed to be at church for Sunday school at 9am this morning, and it was already 8:50am when I got up! I got to church at around 9:45am. Lucky that Elaina and Sophia were there to help out as well, so they were running the class when I got there. I felt sooooooooooooooooooooo terrible about being late!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I am getting more and more involved with the kids ministry at church these days. The kids at church are all lovely, but they can be quite out of control at times as well. I am still praying and learning how to love them and be a good role model and leader. I felt a bit discouraged at times, and felt that I am not well equipped or experienced for the ministry as yet... I guess I am still in the very early days of my involvement in the ministry. Hopefully, I will get more experience and skills in doing better in the future.
I got myself a new wireless router today as I am fed up with the problems I am having with my current one. The wireless signal on my current one is really weak, and there is actually no reception at all in the lounge area of the apartment! I am hoping that getting a new router will resolved all the problems I was having with my wireless connection. I was very ambitious in wanting to set up the router myself. In the past, I have always ask someone to do it for me. I thought it is about time for me to learn some new skills. I tried following the instruction and attempted to install it myself,but failed! For some strange reason, the installation program couldn't detect the modem. I have no idea why that is! I will have to wait until Tuesday and try set it up while Technical Support is available. Friends have offered to help me out with setting it up, but for various reasons, I want to try sort it out myself first.
Had yum cha with members of the extended family today after church. It was great seeing them. Haven't seen most of them for AGES! We used to meet up more often, but I guess the busyness in life these days have made us less motivated in meeting up and catching up. Walked around town with mom, Bill, Vida, and Auntie Grace after lunch. It was quite enjoyable and relaxing.

A fruitful and enjoyable day.

I had an early start to the day today, as I have to put my car into service at Richard's. I got to his garage at around 9:30am. Uncle Charles dropped me to Parramatta so that I can walk around while my car is being serviced. As I needed to do some last minute preparation for BS in the afternoon, I decided that I should find a cafe to settle down and do some prep. I decided to go to Gloria Jeans at Borders in Parra Westfield. When I got there, there weren't that many people at the cafe. I think there were only me and another lady. I guess it was just too early in the morning. I found myself a nice spot in the gallery level, and started reading the scripture passage again. It was great having the opportunity to spend time reading the Words in such a relaxing atmosphere. All in all, I spent around 2.5 hrs reading and preparing for my BS in the afternoon. It was GREAT! I guess the beauty of leading BS is the fact that I gain the most out of the group as I have to do more preparation and read more for better understanding of the passage. I must say, I enjoy the process of preparing for BS, but I am not sure if I am good or gifted at leading though.
After finishing my preparation, my car was done, and Uncle Charles came back to pick me up. I drove into town straight away to go to Leaders Cell at 1pm.
Today's leader cell was a come back for me after a few weeks break. I haven't been able to attend the last few times as I have different commitments. It was good being with the group again, and I enjoyed my time with them.
We had a 30mins break before fellowship started at 4pm. Anna couldn't make Fellowship as she is still not well. I was really surprised to see Echo there today. Jane wasn't there. I am not too sure if she is busy with study or whether she isn't feeling well either. Lisa, Rachel, and Cynthia were there as usual; so there were only 3 of us in my group. Frank decided to join us for BS since we have such a small group. To be honest, I felt a bit of pressure having him in our group. I was worried that I might not lead well, or I might say something wrong. Afterall, he is our advisor, so it was like having my big boss sitting through my presentation! I don't know whether the others enjoyed BS, or the way I led, but I enjoyed it myself. I still don't think I am gifted in leading BS, but I think I am learning something new each time.
I had to rush off really quickly after BS finished, ços we have the family gospel dinner on at CCC at 6pm. Vida has stressed over and over the importance for me to be there on time to take family portrait. I am really glad that Dad was there at the gospel dinner as well. It is really hard getting him to tag along to gospel events as he is not really keen on hearing the gospel, and is a bit annoyed when people try hard in evangelising to him. I think he agreed to go because Auntie Grace (my sister's in-law) is in town and my sister wanted us to go as a family. The theme for the gospel dinner was "Family full of Blessing's" (全家福). Bill, Vida, and bros and sis' at CCC have put in a lot of effort in organising the event. I was really touched by the various presentations, and the slide show and DVD which they showed. I had tears in my eyes as I was sitting there at the table, watching the DVD, and praying for dad in my heart. How I wish my whole family is in Christ, and is blessed with God's wonderful blessings. I really wish that Dad will come to know God before I head out to the field in the future. I guess I have to have patience and discipline in praying for him constantly. I trust that nothing is impossible in God and He is in control of all things. He will do things according to His will and timing. I am also reminded that I have to bear good witness at home as well.
While at the dinner, I saw Jeremy. It was GREAT seeing him again! Seeing him certainly reminded me of the good time we had in TW working on the mission team together. We managed to catch up briefly throughout the night. Mabel and Jerz are thinking of doing P/T at SMBC next year. If that really happens, we will probably become course mates from next year onwards. ^^
Apart from seeing Jeremy, it was great seeing old friends at CCC again. A lot of them has actually grown up with me. We were in the same Sunday school/ Bible Study group/ fellowship for many many years! I guess I will ALWAYS have a tie to CCC regardless of where I am or will be in the future. Afterall, it is where I was baptised!
I offered to drive Mish home after the event as I wanted to catch up with her while dropping her home. Mish just came back from Montreal. She has certainly had a GREAT time there. Mish is a lovely girl, and she is close to our family. I guess she is like my younger sister as she is really really close to Bill and Vida.
All in all, it was a REALLY enjoyable day, despite being a busy day. I wish all my weekends are as enjoyable as today!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Korean BBQ

Feeling a bit tired and not in the mood for blogging, so this is going to be a brief one.

Went out to dinner with Kel, Van, and June tonight. Had a great time. We had a lot of laughter. I haven't seen Van since we move to Nth Ryde, so it was good to see her again.

We had Korean BBQ for dinner. The food was really yummy, but I walk out of the restaurant smelling like a piece of BBQ meat myself! I guess it is the down side of going to a BBQ restaurant. As soon as I got home, I changed out of my smelly clothes and had a shower. However, for some strange reason, I can still smell the BBQ smell!

Oh btw, I loved Korean food, especially all the side dishes, Chap Jae and Bugolgi! So yummy!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Time to shape up!

I went shopping in the city after meeting up with Alan to give him his tickets tonite. I wanted to get some summer dresses. Tried on a few things, but didn't end up buying them as I wasn't happy with how I look in them! I look soooooooooooo fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really need to do some serious workout to shape up. Summer is nearly here!!!!! What am I gonna do???????


Been having problems with my wireless connection at home since yesterday. I have tried different things to make it become more stable, but failed!!!!!! I guess it is time for me to get a new router! Not being able to get onto the net from my room is soooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. It means that I have to go to the study room and connect to the net via LAN!!!!!!! =(

Monday, October 01, 2007

Day out @ Coogee.

Had an enjoyable day out with Pete, Chow, and Mish today. We had brunch at Coogee. Phil drove all the way from his place to Coogee to join us for brunch. It was very nice of him. We had a GREAT time. After brunch, Pete, Chow, Mish, and I did the Coogee to Bronte walk. The weather was perfect for it. I really really enjoyed the walk. There were a lot of people at the beaches, ços it was a really warm day! After the walk, we spent some time at the beach, but I didn't get into the water as I didn't have my gear with me. :(

Had dinner @ Vida's. She made Tom Yum noodles with prawns. Was really yummy! ^^

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Labour Day long weekend - Day 2

We had family service at church today. It is so touching to see family, parents and kids, worshipping together in the service. The puppet talk was GREAT. I truly enjoyed it, and I hope that the families did as well! We still have a long way to go in terms of developing a good family/ children ministry at church, but I really pray and hope that things will get better and better in the future. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute more in this regards in the next few years while I am at college.

Attended the church prayer meeting in the afternoon. I think I am starting to enjoy prayer time more and more these days. I love praying together in the TW prayer group, and I have also enjoyed praying with brothers and sisters for different groups at church this afternoon as well. I pray and hope that I will experience God more and more through having a more devoted and organised prayer life. It is such a blessing and privilege to be able to to pray to God directly, whenever and wherever we want!

I went for coffee with some friends at Darling Harbour after prayer meeting. The weather was perfect for the walk around Darling Harbour. It was great to be able to catch up with Vity, Connie, and Daniel. I don't really get to see them often these days 'cos we are attending different services and fellowships. It is always good to be able to catch up with friends, but finding time to do it can be quite difficult at times. I am trying my best to fully utilise my term break in meeting with friends and catch up.

It was truly a relaxing day for me. I wish all my weekends are as relaxing! +)

Labour Day long weekend - Day 1

My day started with some disappointment today. Got a message from JS this morning saying that he won't be able to make it to the outing on Monday. I was sooooooo looking forward to it. He is the 3rd person who pulled out from the outing. I know it is something beyond his control, but I still feel a little bit disappointed. But I guess attending conference will do him more good than going to the coastal walk with us. Luckily, Chow, Pete, and Phil can still make it, so hopefully it will still be an enjoyable day out!

The day in Canberra with family was really enjoyable. The weather was good, and I think mom and dad enjoyed the time together. They haven't been to the Floriade for a long time, and was happy to be there again. I enjoyed the drive. I guess I am learning to enjoy spending time with family. It is hard to as it needs patience and also need to find time for it, but I guess it is something that I will have to do more.

My Grey's Anatomy Season 3 DVDs have finally arrived from the States!!!!!!! I don't think I have time to watch it till after my exam though, ços I know that once I start watching, I won't stop till I finish all episodes! It is better off not starting then!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Dinner and tea with Elaine

Dinner and tea with Elaine tonight was truly enjoyable! It has been a while since the 2 of us hung out together. Elaine has been sooooooooooo busy with her course. I guess among all my friends, she is one of the the most determined!!!!!!!!!! I wish I am as hard working as her! It is GREAT to have friends like Elaine, who is also studying full time. I guess we have a lot in common and we are able to share and encourage each other along our journeys. I am really thankful for having such wonderful sister in Christ in life. I do hope that we will learn to maintain a good friendship and be able to support each other in the years to come. ^^

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I read this while I was doing my devotion last night:
'Evangelism is like a beggar telling another beggar where to find food.'
It is a very interesting statement.... it has certainly got me thinking. Am I that willing and eager to share the gospel with others? From my devotion last night, I learnt that we are obliged as citzens of his kingdom to share the gospel with others. Am I taking this obligation seriously?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

25Sept07 - My assignment...

Got my assignment back from Stuart tonight. It was marked by Sue. I PASSED!!!!! I can't express how thankful I am in passing. I knew I didn't do well in this assignment. I didn't feel confident about it. I am so thankful for all the comments and feedback which Sue has wrote on my assignment. Those were such encouraging words! I have done a few things wrong in my essay, but Sue was very patient with me. I wasn't penalised heavily for such mistakes. Thank you all for praying for me while I was doing my assignment and for the nice words of encouragement which I desperately needed. Most of all, thank you Lord for granting me the strength, wisdom and perserverence in completing my essay and handing it in.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Silly me.....

I went to Mac Centre with Kel for lunch today, and forgot to save my workbook before I went. IT just happened to have to do system updates over lunch, and when I came back from lunch, I was forced to reboot my laptop. Thinking that the system is gonna auto-save my work for me while rebooting, I agreed to reboot. When I reloaded EXCEL, I realised that all the work I did this morning was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt so devastated! I was supposed to send through the completed workbook to my boss after lunch, and of course I didn't managed to do so as I have pretty much need to start from scratch with my workbook! Licky that my boss is in a good mood today and wasn't annoyed with me. =P Thanks God! I think I have learnt a good lesson today. I won't go to lunch without saving my work ever again as Autosave can fails too! =P

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Finally done!

Having struggled with it for the last 3-4 weeks, I have finally got my Church History assignment done last night! It is such a relieve knowing I won't have to stay up at night doing it anymore! Reading all the materials in my preparation for the assignment has been really enjoyable though. What I learn will certainly have an impact on the way I look at pastoral ministry from now on.

Thank you all for your prayers and care for the last little while. Most of all, thank you for keeping me sane while I am under stress! Love you all! xoxo

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Me with braces...

I have finally gotten my braces on last night. Having the braces on is not as painful as having the pacers/separators put in. Thank goodness. My teeth are a bit sore at the moment, but the soreness is still bearable. I was preparing myself for worse.

I am still getting used to chewing with my braces on though.... as the teeth move, my bite changes as well. At the moment, I am not able to get a proper bite on my molars, hopefully, that will be corrected in time. I wouldn't say having the braces on is an enjoyable experience, but I hope that the pain that I am experiencing at the moment is gonna lead to gain in 12 months time. I look forward to see my straighten teeth in 12 months time. =)

Monday, September 03, 2007

New experience.....

Just realised I haven't written for a long time! I guess it is a result of my laziness and busyness in the last little while. August has truly been an EXTREMELY busy month for me. I was helping out as a committee for my church camp, I had assignment due at college, very busy at work, and also with a lot of other ministries. I was also bridesmaid and helped out at Eunice & Brian's wedding as well. on top of that, I was sick with the flu for 2 weeks!

I am glad that August is over, and am looking forward to enjoying the warmer Spring weather.

I attended the National OMF Conference over the weekend and really enjoyed it! It was great catching up with OMF friends during conference. It is hard to believe it is already 12 mths since my last mission trip to TW. So many things have happened in the last 12 mths. It has surely been a very interesting and enjoyable experience. Life is even gonna be more interesting with lots more changes next year, as I start my full time study at college. I am really looking forward to it. It is such a blessing to be able to learn among a bunched of God minded people. :)

Apart from all these, I am also gonna to a new acquire experience from today! I am starting my orthodontic treatment tonight. I will have some rubber loops put in between my teeth tonight and will have my braces on next week, only to my lower teeth though. The treatment is gonna be for 12 mths. I wonder how if it will be an enjoyable experience or not????? My lower teeth has been pushed inwards and became crocked because of my wisdom teeth, so that is why I need to put braces on my lower teeth to correct it.

I will see if I can take a picture with my braces on later to post up here. :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Monday, July 09, 2007

Found it!

I found my iPod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was hiding underneath the document tray on my desk. I am soooooooo sooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful to have found it!

Dear iPod.... where are you??????

My iPod has been missing for 2 days already! I can't recall where I have put it. All I can remember is that I had it on Friday night, and can't find it on Sat when I went out to fellowship. In the past, I have misplaced it again, but I was always able to find it somewhere, either in my bag, in the car, or on my desk at home. This time, I have searched everywhere, even did a carpet search in the car but still can't locate it!!!! Don't know why, but I have got a gut feeling that I won't see it again, and have to get a new one. =( It is sooo sooooo soooooooooooooooo devastating!!!!!!!!
How long should I wait b4 considering getting a new one???????????

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

1st Anniversary of my TW mission trip tomorrow!

Time flies. Tomorrow marks the 1st anniversary of my Taiwan mission trip. This past year has been a truly amazing journey. There were a lot of life changing moments as well. In the past year, I have decided to go into college, started life @ SMBC (although part-time), participated in different ministries at church, moved into a new office, and many more.

Tomorrow also marks the first anniversary of my friendship with my fellowship mission team mates. It has been great knowing each one of them. I hope our friendship will grow in years to come. I also hope that I might serve with some of you again in TW in the future!

The journey in the past year has been interested, and I am sure there are gonna me more challenges ahead of me on the journey. Nonetheless, I know that my Lord is with me each and every step of my journey and I am NEVER alone.

I hope and pray that I will continue to grow in the Spirit in the next 365 days and beyond. When the 2nd anniversary of comes around, I hope that it also means that I am a step closer to going back to serve in TW for good.

Lord, please mold me and shape me according to Your will.

Please refer to the following link for details of my 2006 Taiwan mission trip.

Saturday, June 16, 2007



父神,求袮教我怎樣安靜等候,在等候的當中在袮裡面得著平安與喜樂.求袮教我在袮裡面得著滿足.父神,願袮監察孩子的需要,傾聽我有聲無聲的呼求.父神,等候的日子真的不易渡過.求袮教我怎樣去好好面對. Amen!

Wonderful wedding....

I received an email from Jenn today which includes a link to her wedding photos. She looks sooooo sooo sweet and happy in them! Both Thomas and Jenn looked GREAT!

Rainbow => Promises...

I saw a rainbow while driving to work the other day. It is so beautiful. I love seeing rainbow. Every time I see a rainbow, I am reminded of the covenant between God and the earth. As stated in the verses below which can be found in Genesis 9:12-16.

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

God's covenant and promises never fail! Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Long time no see....

After losing contact for nearly 7 yrs, I called Kit today on his cell phone in HK. It is such a surprise for him (and I am suprise that I called him too!) I got the number from Wesley, who happened to bump into him at Admiraty today! Wesley has only been back in HK for a month or so... what a coincident, right?

So many things have happened in the past 7 yrs.....at least a lot of things have happened in my life, a lot of changes, and challenges.

It was nice catching up with Kit. After all, we used to be close friends. We spent so much time together while I was working in HK... there are surely a lot of fun memories. =) Like Halloween at Lang Kwai Fong, camping at Lantau island, numerous afternoon teas at the cafe in CWB, shopping at Sogo, bowling at SCAA..... there were all fun times!

Will we keep in touch from now on?

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Things happened in the past few months have led me into wanting to search for the true meaning of friendship. Coincidentally, I read the follow passage on a friend's blog:

Many of us choose friends loosely, like magnets, cling on to anything that comes to us. But friends actually shapes us, molds us, and sometimes, are mirrors of who we are. One can easily know what kind of a person they are simply by looking around and see who their friends are. If they are gossipers, so are you… if they are worldly, then so might you be as well. As strong of a character you might be, friends have great influences on one another. On political views, religious views, and where you like to eat. Choose each friend as life time friends, not only can you have fun with them, but as people you can learn from, people you want to disciple, and people you want to be brothers or sisters with…

I very much agree with what this friend wrote. I think we are shape by friends around us. I believe that life influences life, either in a good way and a bad way. The people we hangs out with are really like a mirror, reflecting who we are. So, what kind of friends do you hang out with?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Recent photos

It has been a while since I have posted any post with my photos. Just thought I'd post one with my straighten hair. These photos were taken with Jan (and Bev) when she was in town a few weeks ago. It was so great catching up with you, Jan!

Once was blinded, but now I see!

Thank you Lord for the opportunity for me to find out the truth!

Now I understand why things have happened the way it did between me and DT. There were a lot of things about DT that I didn't know, and I am glad that I am now able to put all the jigsaw pieces together to see the whole picture. The process of finding out the truth hasn't been that enjoyable and easy though, but I am glad that I have got the answers to a lot of the questions which I couldn't figure out.

As much as I am disappointed with the whole situation, I feel sorry for DT as well. There must be something inside him that is causing him to behave and reacted in the way he did. I really hope that one day, he will come to realised what true meaning of friendship is.

Although I feel a bit hurt by all that happened, but at the same time, I think it was a good lesson for me. Perhaps I was trusting people too easily and came off guard too easily. Perhaps it is a good reminder for me to be more observant of how people is really like and not rush into things. Regardless, I am most thankful that I am learning the truth now than later.

Thank you Lord for helping me and guiding me through while I was lost throughout these few months. I trust that you are in control of all things and I pray that people will find out what the truth is and how everyone is. Lord, please guard my heart and grant me wisdom in knowing how to deal with DT and his friends at vball from now on.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Autumn in Sydney is truly an enjoyable time of the year. The weather was perfect on the weekend. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, the breeze was nice, the temperature was just right. It was perfect!

I am really thankful for such wonderful weather, cos it made me happy. It is such a great feeling waking up to such nice weather. For 3 days in a roll now, I woke up praising God for His wonderful creation. His works are truly magnificent.

The past weekend is the 2nd weekend since DT and I had the massive argument. We haven't really been talking to each other in the last 2 weeks. I guess he is still feeling uncomfortable about me, perhaps he can't be friends with someone whom he has gone out with? Honestly, it feels weird that he doesn't like talk to me anymore. We used to chat so often in the past. Oh well, I still consider him a friend although I don't agree with how he handles things at times. I really hope that one day, he will come to know the real me and realised what type of girl I am. I guess as friend, I have to have patience in re-building the friendship with him. I trust that God is overlooking all things and He surely will work things out according to His plan and provides what is best for me.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A wonderful weekend! Thank you!

Spending 3 days with brothers and sisters, living together, learning, sharing, and praising God together was surely a wonderful way of spending a weekend. Thank you Lord for giving us another wonderful Manna camp. Thank you for the much needed break; time out from the busyness of life to spend time with you Lord. You are truly an AWESOME God. You know what I need, and you certainly listen to our prayers. Thank you Lord for strengthening me and helping me, and guiding me.

Thank you also for Rev. & Mrs Leung. Thank you for the messages you delivered to us through Rev. Leung. Father, I pray that you will continue to bless Rev. Leung in his ministries, providing strength and wisdom from you.

Father, I continue to pray for wisdom with dealing with others, praying that I will not be self-focus when I relate with people. Help me to learn to love others whole hearted, and not asking for self gratification. Father, I continue to pray for wisdom in knowing how to be friends with DT again. I sincerely commit this matter into your hand and pray that you will guide me through according to Your will.

Friday, March 23, 2007

We didn't make it to the final!

Our team lost the match tonight, which means that we won't be in the Grand Final next week! Tonight's match is actually the first match our team has ever lost in the whole season! But then the Giants team played really well. They were doing GREAT as a team and has certainly improved a lot.
I guess we were stressed about the game from the beginning. A lot of us were tired/ sick. I certainly wasn't feeling 100% for the game. I didn't think I play well tonite. I have done much better than how I played tonite. I guess I was feeling a bit anxious tonite, ços it was the first time I got to see DT after our big argument on Tuesday night. I didn't know how I will react or how he would behave, but luckily, I think I did well, and he was trying to be friendly as well.
God is truly an amazing God, and I know it is Him how is healing me and helping me get through things and not focused on DT anymore. I am still treating him as a friend, but I have certainly down graded him a lot.... into the 'normal' friends category. I guess that is what he wanted, and the most comfortable category for him. :)
I guess to me, it doesn't really matter anymore. I just want to be able to enjoy myself at volleyball or when we hang out with friends. I do hope that one day, DT and I can be 'normal' again and we can enjoy each others company and really hang out as friends. Perhaps starting from scratch is the only way. I know that I am off to a fresh new start already, but I guess it might take DT some time to get there.
I guess if I really want him as a friend in the future, I have to learn to be patience, and give him time to settle things and sort things out. I am most thankful for all the wonderful God sent angels which have helped me through, pray with me, and chatted with me when I was so confused, and frustrated with the situation. When I look back at things, I know that I am exposing myself into such devastation, as I wasn't letting go of my control and letting God leads. I am so grateful that I am starting to be 'me' again. :)
Having drinks at New Town tonite with the gang was REALLY enjoyable. I don't know if DT enjoyed it or not, but I have certainly enjoyed myself. I had a chance to chat with TL tonite, as I was sitting next to him at drinks. To my surprise, he was acting quite normal tonight, and I actually enjoyed my conversation with him! I guess I am starting to see other sides of him, and that is somehow changing my -ve impression of him. As time goes by, I am getting to know TL, Webber, and Janet much better. They can be quite friendly at times, but sometimes they are just not willing to open up to others.
The Thai food we had tonite from Sumalee was GREAT. I wasn't really hungry, so I only ate a little bit, but the guys have truly enjoyed themselves (esp. DT I guess! :)). It was truly enjoyable. If I can have dinner with DT in the future in such great atmosphere, and that we can talk normal and not go into any sort of argument, that would be soooooooooooo GREAT! I guess I just have to be patience and look forward to that day to come.
I can really tell that I am recovering, and I a soooooooo happy about it. :) Thanks for everyone who showed love and care (and concern) towards me in the last little while. Don't worry, I am ok now... and no matter what happen, God is there to watch over me, rite? I know I trust in a faithful God and He is faithful no matter what issues I am facing in life. This I really believe. I do hope that things are gonna be better and better from this point onwards. I really pray that I will have the wisdom to stay focused on God and nothing else.
Want to pray for DT too that one day, he will turn back to the Lord, and be able to enjoy the fullness of life in Him, the joy and peace of His gift of salvation.
Dunno what will happen in the next season... and which team I will play in yet.. but I am certainly looking forward to improving my skills and become a better player than what I am now. =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Time to go.

The last 2 moths or so have surely been stressful and draining for me. I can't remember the last time I am this emotional. Perhaps there are personality clashes between us, perhaps, I have too much expectation of our relationship (either as friends or). I am tired....... extremely tired!

I can't recall another time when I am feeling as tired in dealing with another friend.... perhaps we can't be good friends.....perhaps it is not what you want.

As I said, it feels as if I am the only one treasuring and holding onto things. Thank you for sharing part of your private world with me for taking me to the dog park for breakfast. It was an enjoyable experience.

I have always looked forward in spending time with you, but things are telling me that it is time for me to go. I tried, but I have not succeeded.

I will surely miss you, and the time we spent together... Bye D............

Monday, March 12, 2007


將會有一個多星期見不到你,感覺真的有點怪.'Cos we have been seeing each other 3-4 times a week on average in the last 2 months or so. 你曾經講過你對我太好,我也覺得你對我很好,但我總覺得你對很多人(esp. gals)也是這樣.也許,自從你選擇了不跟我一起以後,我就一直覺得我對你來說跟本沒有什麼特別.也許,我只是一個揮也揮不掉我朋友而已.

有時候,我真的很想知道你對我的感覺是怎樣的.我是一個你所珍惜的人,還是我個可有可無的朋友?Am I really a pretty girl as you said? 在你見不到我的日子裡,你會想起我嗎?

我知道我會想你...Perhaps this is the much needed break for me to really think about what this all means to me... will this break leads to another ending?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Grey's Season 3

BTW, I have finished watching all of Grey's Season 3. GREAT STUFF! I really enjoyed it. Thanks DT for getting me the DVDs.

Morning walk with Indy...

I still get to see you quite a lot these days, as friends, but it feels like we are no longer communicating in the way we used to. Perhaps that is how things should be, right from the start. At times, I don't know what I should say, or what I should ask. I am scare of asking the wrong thing and annoy you again! I don't know how open up you would be, and what I should or shouldn't ask. I guess staying friends is not as easy as I thought it would be...

I enjoyed this morning though..... it was fun, although we didn't get to chat much. It is so strange. Even if we are doing something together, we don't really talk to each other. So strange man!!!

Oh well, thank you for buying me brekkie and taking me out for a walk. I know you have been shouting me a few times already. I promise I will treat you to a nice dinner one day, ok?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Grey's Season 3

Thank you for getting Grey's Anatomy Season 3 on DVD for me, DT. I have only got 1 out of the 3 discs at the moment, are you going to give me the other 2? or are you gonna not give those to me as a punishment?????

Hope to see you soon.

Miss you.....

I don't know why we end up where we are now. Everything just happened so quickly in the last 2 weeks, I didn't even have time to comprehend all that has happened.

As I mentioned, I don't regret meeting you, knowing you, and being with you, although very briefly! In a way, I should feel upset about things, but I don't want to be angry with you.... I don't even feel this way.... I just don't want to lose you as a friend.

Will we ever be able to get back to where we were before Valentine's Day? I really hope that we can be cool friends again..... just like how we were. You are so fun to be with, and I truly enjoy your company. =)

I am kinda looking forward to Tues and Thurs.... as I will probably see you... but then I am also worry that I don't know how you will react. Are we still in good speaking terms? Can we still joke around as we did in the past?

I just hope and pray that things will get back to normal between us........