Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is it!

After weeks of study and waiting. The day has finally arrived for me to sit for my Church History exam. Tonight, I will sit for my last exam for the year. After this, I will have 2.5 mths off from college, where I will prepare myself for my full time study there! I guess finishing exam tonight marks a new chapter in my life. For the next few years, I will be a full time student and if God's is willing, I will be heading out to the mission field in a few years time. I surely have a very exciting and challenging journey ahead of me, but I trust whole heartedly that God is with me through this interesting journey.

I really don't feel 100% confident with my preparation for the exam, but I do pray that God will grant me the wisdom, strength, ease of mind, energy and concentration in preforming how I should be in the exam tonight. I know that it is not by my own ability at all that I might pass this exam, it is all by His grace and guidance.

Lord, I commit myself and my exam in your hand, please guide and help me through it. Amen.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


I have been spending a fair amount of time at the college library this week, trying to study and prepare for my exam. I figured that if I stay at home, I will end up napping all the time, so it is better for me to study in the library. I have to say, I am starting to bond with college, and I really like the environment here. It is so quiet in the library. People at college are really nice and it is nice to see so many of us trying hard to study God's word and working towards being a full time servant of the Lord. =o)
I do hope that I will continue to love this college and the people I get to meet here.


Many things have happened since I last posted something here. Here are a summary of the many things that happened:

  1. I have finally got my act together into completing and submitting my application for full time college next year. My interview is scheduled on 9/11 @ 2:30pm. It is hard to believe that my full time college life is happening soon!
  2. I have resigned from work. It is a rather stressful and sad moment, as I have been with the company for over 5 yrs now. What will life with SP be like? I am surely gonna miss my friends at work. Hope and pray that I will know how to maintain a friendship with them when I am at college
  3. Chow is no longer in SYD. She flew out Singapore yesterday for OC and will be in TW for mission for a year. I am surely gonna miss her.
  4. Kelly found her love - My very good friend @ work, Kelly, has found her new love. I am sooooooooooooo happy for her, and hope that things will work out well for her and Andrew. =)
  5. NZ Trip confirmed - we have booked everything for our family trip in Jan. It has been a while since our last family trip. I guess it will be a good chance for me to spend some time with family before I head off to college. I don't know how much time and money I will have to go on a trip with them in the next 3 yrs. =P
All in all, the last little while has been fun and challenging....... there were some down moments, but I am very thankful that God has guided me through the different steps I have to make. I am sure there are gonna be more exciting challenges ahead of me. ^^