Friday, February 22, 2008

Life is like a box of chocolate...

'My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."' - Forrest Gump

I somehow feel that life as a Christian is a bit like a box of chocolate as well. You never know what you are going to get and what will happen to you next. Life can be very interesting as I wait for the chapters my life to unfold. God listens to our prayers, and answer those prayers in His own timing and in His own special way. Sometimes, the least expected happen in life... there are times when God gives me wonderful surprises, and there are times when what he gave me or planned for me was not be what we have expected. No matter how the chapters of life unfold, I guess the beauty of it is in knowing that God is in control of all things and what He has planned is best for me.

Father Lord, thank you for being so wonderful to me. Thank you for answering my prayers and working miraculously according to your own timing. Please help me in trusting in you day by day and be reminded of your promises and have faith in trusting that your grace is sufficient for me.

Thank you Lord.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

10 seconds for Taiwan - Feb 2008

Please take the next 10 seconds to pray this prayer for the working class people of Taiwan.

Current research by a professor at Taiwan's Tong Hai University found that 60% of Taiwanese non-Christians would not consider conversion to Christianity because the church forbids ancestor worship.

Father, we pray that the Taiwanese working class people will be redeemed and released from the spiritual practices handed down to them by their forefathers and would know the precious salvation offered by Christ Jesus. (I Peter 1:18)

Please ask your church, bible study, small group, cell group, family and children to pray this with us and you will be joining thousands of people around the world in asking our Father to bring His good news to the working class people of Taiwan.

Please relay this to those who can join us in prayer. For more information please visit or e-mail

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mark exegesis class...

The class I had this morning was really enjoyable. I have never studied the book of Mark in such detail before. The Word of God is really amazing when you study it word by word.... there are so many things about Him that are revealed through his Word! I guess one of the great things about being a college is that I get to study the Bible in such details. I find that my discussions with fellow students and lecturers are very stimulating and gives me insights into the book. I hope that my excitement about learning and my eagerness to better understand the Word will not cease.....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blogging and keeping in touch with the rest of the world!

I have finally work out how I can post my blog as note on Facebook, so from now whatever I have written here should appear as note on my FB profile.

It has only been a week since college started, but I already feel as if I am losing touch with friends due to the busyness in life. It is only the start of the semester! I am assuming that as life get even busier, I won't have too much time to reply emails and chat with friends on MSN. I am hoping that by blogging, my friends will be able to keep up to date with my whereabouts and how I am going. Hopefully, I can manage to blog at least once a week and write something that you will find interesting. =)