Thursday, October 11, 2007

My lucky day.

I got 2 tickets from work to watch Miss Saigon tonight. One of our agency, Priceton, invited ppl from work to a cocktail function and the show, but 2 of my colleagues who were invited couldn't go. I was lucky to be the first one to put my hand up to say I am interested in going, so I ended up getting the 2 free tickets. Initially, I was thinking of taking Vida with me, but she couldn't make it, so I ended up taking Kelly instead.
I have actually seen Miss Saigon before. That was many years ago, with the original production. The new production is very different to the one I saw. I enjoyed both of them.
Haha, I am such a musicale goer. I think I have lost count of how many musicals I have seen! I am going to watch Fiddler on the Roof tomorrow, and am wanting to see Billy Elliot later in the year as well. Gonna be interesting. ^^

Monday, October 08, 2007

I did it!!!

After conquering for 2 nights, I finally managed to set up my new wireless router. I did it all on my own this time, so I am proud of myself! ^^ In the past, I have always relied on Gwai to solve my IT problems. These days, he doesn't really have that much time to help me out, since he is so busy at home with Ange, ministries at church, work, with his driving lessons, etc etc. I guess I just can't rely on others all the time, so I wanted to try work it out myself.
I had problems last night when I was trying to installed the new router. For some strange reason, the installation wizard that came with the router didn't work for me. I couldn't figure out what went wrong. I wanted to call technical support for some help, but it wasn't available last night. I gave up and thought I'd better try installing it again when I can call in for some technical support.
I guess I was desperate in resolving my internet connection problems, so I tried setting the router up again tonight. I knew that the problem I had was with the installation wizard, so I was trying to look for ways to get around it and set up the router using the http:// address instead. I eventually found it and managed to set up the router. The net connection was all fine using LAN connection, but when I unplugged the LAN line, the connection dropped out. I started googling for possible solutions to the problem, and eventually found something that is helpful. I followed the suggestions steps and eventually managed to set up the wireless as well. ^^ Now, there is full coverage all through the apartment. I can get onto the net from the living room as well! :)
I am so happy that I have learnt something new. I am sure this new skills will come in handy in the future, especially if I end up heading out to the field.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

7Oct07 - Sunday

I woke up an hour late today!!!!!! My alarm didn't ring at all. I was supposed to be at church for Sunday school at 9am this morning, and it was already 8:50am when I got up! I got to church at around 9:45am. Lucky that Elaina and Sophia were there to help out as well, so they were running the class when I got there. I felt sooooooooooooooooooooo terrible about being late!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I am getting more and more involved with the kids ministry at church these days. The kids at church are all lovely, but they can be quite out of control at times as well. I am still praying and learning how to love them and be a good role model and leader. I felt a bit discouraged at times, and felt that I am not well equipped or experienced for the ministry as yet... I guess I am still in the very early days of my involvement in the ministry. Hopefully, I will get more experience and skills in doing better in the future.
I got myself a new wireless router today as I am fed up with the problems I am having with my current one. The wireless signal on my current one is really weak, and there is actually no reception at all in the lounge area of the apartment! I am hoping that getting a new router will resolved all the problems I was having with my wireless connection. I was very ambitious in wanting to set up the router myself. In the past, I have always ask someone to do it for me. I thought it is about time for me to learn some new skills. I tried following the instruction and attempted to install it myself,but failed! For some strange reason, the installation program couldn't detect the modem. I have no idea why that is! I will have to wait until Tuesday and try set it up while Technical Support is available. Friends have offered to help me out with setting it up, but for various reasons, I want to try sort it out myself first.
Had yum cha with members of the extended family today after church. It was great seeing them. Haven't seen most of them for AGES! We used to meet up more often, but I guess the busyness in life these days have made us less motivated in meeting up and catching up. Walked around town with mom, Bill, Vida, and Auntie Grace after lunch. It was quite enjoyable and relaxing.

A fruitful and enjoyable day.

I had an early start to the day today, as I have to put my car into service at Richard's. I got to his garage at around 9:30am. Uncle Charles dropped me to Parramatta so that I can walk around while my car is being serviced. As I needed to do some last minute preparation for BS in the afternoon, I decided that I should find a cafe to settle down and do some prep. I decided to go to Gloria Jeans at Borders in Parra Westfield. When I got there, there weren't that many people at the cafe. I think there were only me and another lady. I guess it was just too early in the morning. I found myself a nice spot in the gallery level, and started reading the scripture passage again. It was great having the opportunity to spend time reading the Words in such a relaxing atmosphere. All in all, I spent around 2.5 hrs reading and preparing for my BS in the afternoon. It was GREAT! I guess the beauty of leading BS is the fact that I gain the most out of the group as I have to do more preparation and read more for better understanding of the passage. I must say, I enjoy the process of preparing for BS, but I am not sure if I am good or gifted at leading though.
After finishing my preparation, my car was done, and Uncle Charles came back to pick me up. I drove into town straight away to go to Leaders Cell at 1pm.
Today's leader cell was a come back for me after a few weeks break. I haven't been able to attend the last few times as I have different commitments. It was good being with the group again, and I enjoyed my time with them.
We had a 30mins break before fellowship started at 4pm. Anna couldn't make Fellowship as she is still not well. I was really surprised to see Echo there today. Jane wasn't there. I am not too sure if she is busy with study or whether she isn't feeling well either. Lisa, Rachel, and Cynthia were there as usual; so there were only 3 of us in my group. Frank decided to join us for BS since we have such a small group. To be honest, I felt a bit of pressure having him in our group. I was worried that I might not lead well, or I might say something wrong. Afterall, he is our advisor, so it was like having my big boss sitting through my presentation! I don't know whether the others enjoyed BS, or the way I led, but I enjoyed it myself. I still don't think I am gifted in leading BS, but I think I am learning something new each time.
I had to rush off really quickly after BS finished, ços we have the family gospel dinner on at CCC at 6pm. Vida has stressed over and over the importance for me to be there on time to take family portrait. I am really glad that Dad was there at the gospel dinner as well. It is really hard getting him to tag along to gospel events as he is not really keen on hearing the gospel, and is a bit annoyed when people try hard in evangelising to him. I think he agreed to go because Auntie Grace (my sister's in-law) is in town and my sister wanted us to go as a family. The theme for the gospel dinner was "Family full of Blessing's" (全家福). Bill, Vida, and bros and sis' at CCC have put in a lot of effort in organising the event. I was really touched by the various presentations, and the slide show and DVD which they showed. I had tears in my eyes as I was sitting there at the table, watching the DVD, and praying for dad in my heart. How I wish my whole family is in Christ, and is blessed with God's wonderful blessings. I really wish that Dad will come to know God before I head out to the field in the future. I guess I have to have patience and discipline in praying for him constantly. I trust that nothing is impossible in God and He is in control of all things. He will do things according to His will and timing. I am also reminded that I have to bear good witness at home as well.
While at the dinner, I saw Jeremy. It was GREAT seeing him again! Seeing him certainly reminded me of the good time we had in TW working on the mission team together. We managed to catch up briefly throughout the night. Mabel and Jerz are thinking of doing P/T at SMBC next year. If that really happens, we will probably become course mates from next year onwards. ^^
Apart from seeing Jeremy, it was great seeing old friends at CCC again. A lot of them has actually grown up with me. We were in the same Sunday school/ Bible Study group/ fellowship for many many years! I guess I will ALWAYS have a tie to CCC regardless of where I am or will be in the future. Afterall, it is where I was baptised!
I offered to drive Mish home after the event as I wanted to catch up with her while dropping her home. Mish just came back from Montreal. She has certainly had a GREAT time there. Mish is a lovely girl, and she is close to our family. I guess she is like my younger sister as she is really really close to Bill and Vida.
All in all, it was a REALLY enjoyable day, despite being a busy day. I wish all my weekends are as enjoyable as today!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Korean BBQ

Feeling a bit tired and not in the mood for blogging, so this is going to be a brief one.

Went out to dinner with Kel, Van, and June tonight. Had a great time. We had a lot of laughter. I haven't seen Van since we move to Nth Ryde, so it was good to see her again.

We had Korean BBQ for dinner. The food was really yummy, but I walk out of the restaurant smelling like a piece of BBQ meat myself! I guess it is the down side of going to a BBQ restaurant. As soon as I got home, I changed out of my smelly clothes and had a shower. However, for some strange reason, I can still smell the BBQ smell!

Oh btw, I loved Korean food, especially all the side dishes, Chap Jae and Bugolgi! So yummy!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Time to shape up!

I went shopping in the city after meeting up with Alan to give him his tickets tonite. I wanted to get some summer dresses. Tried on a few things, but didn't end up buying them as I wasn't happy with how I look in them! I look soooooooooooo fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really need to do some serious workout to shape up. Summer is nearly here!!!!! What am I gonna do???????


Been having problems with my wireless connection at home since yesterday. I have tried different things to make it become more stable, but failed!!!!!! I guess it is time for me to get a new router! Not being able to get onto the net from my room is soooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. It means that I have to go to the study room and connect to the net via LAN!!!!!!! =(

Monday, October 01, 2007

Day out @ Coogee.

Had an enjoyable day out with Pete, Chow, and Mish today. We had brunch at Coogee. Phil drove all the way from his place to Coogee to join us for brunch. It was very nice of him. We had a GREAT time. After brunch, Pete, Chow, Mish, and I did the Coogee to Bronte walk. The weather was perfect for it. I really really enjoyed the walk. There were a lot of people at the beaches, ços it was a really warm day! After the walk, we spent some time at the beach, but I didn't get into the water as I didn't have my gear with me. :(

Had dinner @ Vida's. She made Tom Yum noodles with prawns. Was really yummy! ^^