You gave me a great trip to Brisbane...
You gave me the opportunity to share the gospel with others...
You gave me the opportunity to go to college and learn...
You provided me with all my needs according to Your will, even before I ask...
You made things happened in your own timing...
You provided me with nice family...
You gave me a bunch of nice friends to support me, encourage me, and grow with me...
Most importantly, you love me just the way I am, nothing more, nothing less... and you gave your son to died on the cross for me...
Father, who am I to have deserved all these wonderful things which you have provided?
Father, you keep amazing me with your greatness, your sovereignty, and your compassion...
What can I do in response to your love?
Father, please change me, shape me, and mould me.... help me to live a life for you and you alone!

You gave me the opportunity to share the gospel with others...
You gave me the opportunity to go to college and learn...
You provided me with all my needs according to Your will, even before I ask...
You made things happened in your own timing...
You provided me with nice family...
You gave me a bunch of nice friends to support me, encourage me, and grow with me...
Most importantly, you love me just the way I am, nothing more, nothing less... and you gave your son to died on the cross for me...
Father, who am I to have deserved all these wonderful things which you have provided?
Father, you keep amazing me with your greatness, your sovereignty, and your compassion...
What can I do in response to your love?
Father, please change me, shape me, and mould me.... help me to live a life for you and you alone!