Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sichuan Earthquake pictures 四川地震

I finally have the opportunity this morning to watch some of the news about the recent earthquake in Sichuan and see some of the photos from it. When I was watching the news footage, tears started rolling down my face. I was especially sadden when they was showing the footage of parents waiting for news of their child at the school. For many of the parents there, losing their children is like losing their hope in life. Under China's one child policy, most of the children who died in the recent earthquake are the only child and hope of the family. Losing them is like losing everything the family has got. I am sadden to see so many people died in the earthquake. It reminded me of the fragility of life. Thousands of people died in the earthquake, many of them died without knowing God or knowing where they are heading to...... perhaps they didn't even have a chance to hear the gospel before their lives ended..... the thought of this really sadden me.
Father Lord, I pray for the people in Sichuan, all the families who are affected by the recent earthquake. I pray that you healing hands will be upon them. May your Holy Sipirt raise up more people to willing to get involved with the helping out with aftermath of the earth quake. May your love and compassion be shown through your people, who are involved. Father, may your grace and mercy be upon China and the people there....May they know you as their Lord and saviour and find peace and hope in you. I pray for my all those who are undertaking training at SMBC and other colleges, Father, I pray that you will help us in seeing the needs of people around the world and be challenged constantly into taking your words, your story out to those who are yet to know you Lord. In Jesus' precious name.Amen.

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