Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Time to go.

The last 2 moths or so have surely been stressful and draining for me. I can't remember the last time I am this emotional. Perhaps there are personality clashes between us, perhaps, I have too much expectation of our relationship (either as friends or). I am tired....... extremely tired!

I can't recall another time when I am feeling as tired in dealing with another friend.... perhaps we can't be good friends.....perhaps it is not what you want.

As I said, it feels as if I am the only one treasuring and holding onto things. Thank you for sharing part of your private world with me for taking me to the dog park for breakfast. It was an enjoyable experience.

I have always looked forward in spending time with you, but things are telling me that it is time for me to go. I tried, but I have not succeeded.

I will surely miss you, and the time we spent together... Bye D............

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